When did you last change your foam inserts in the blotting apparatus, the blotting sponge pads? The answer is probably “never”. Because if the transfer works, why bother? I worked in several labs and in all of them, we hardly ever changed the ...
Posts Categorized: Protocols
PVDF membranes are great for Western blots. They bind protein readily, can take a beating from a strong-handed researcher and are ideal for fluorescent Western blots. But they do have an annoying quality that adds an extra step to your ...
Wouldn't it be nice to watch your proteins move through the gel? To see them as they migrate to their respective places and know that you aren't running them off? Advansta has a solution for you! ...
Chemiluminescence isn't just for Western blots. You can make your ELISA shine too by using an ELISA substrate that produces light. In fact, we have the perfect substrate for sensitive, chemiluminescent-based detection for your ELISA assay: ...