Photo courtesy of If you work with yeast, then you will get a totally different meaning out of that title :) However, if you spend a lot of time doing antibody-based assays then you will know what I am talking ...
Posts Categorized: Western blots
Photo courtesy of Raymond Bryson Troubleshooting and optimizing Western blots can eat up a lot of your time. Transfer conditions, blocking buffers, primary and secondary antibody titrations - there are so many things that can be ...
Photo courtesy of AJC1 Making your Western blocking solution - it is often a step that is done quickly just before you take your blot apart. You probably don't give it much thought. But like all other steps at the laboratory bench, a little ...
Are you ready to transfer your proteins in a flash? We're not kidding. Advansta has developed a new proprietary blotting buffer that transfers proteins so quickly, we had tell you in the name. FLASHBlot transfer buffer transfers proteins to ...