Blocking and washing can make or break a Western. Insufficient blocking or washing can lead to high background and a low signal-to-noise ratio. Excessive blotting or washing can mask antibody-antigen interactions or wash away antigen. Detection ...
Posts Categorized: Advansta products
Multiplexing is becoming "all the rage" these days. And why not? It's an ideal technique for simultaneously detecting multiple proteins or protein species. Want to have an in-lane normalization control? – Multiplex it Want to quantify ...
Are you ready to abandon housekeeping genes for normalizing your Western blots and move on to total protein staining? Then you might want to try AdvanStain Scarlet, Advansta's fluorescent stain for gels and blots. ...
Normalizing your Western blot is critical to obtaining accurate quantitative measurements. But it can be tricky. Perhaps you are discovering that housekeeping genes are not as neat and tidy as you would like? Then you might like to try total protein ...